Sitetalk is a wonderful way to earn money along with social networking.It is a great website like Facebook but the thing is it also pays you.We are glad to provide you this opportunity,You only then need to use sitetalk once in a week and earn handsome income.
Follow the method below to use sitetalk
First of all click the banner below to signup for sitetalk
After creating account then sign in with your account in to sitetalk
Then you need to complete your profile so that it reaches above 50%,This step is necessary
To setup your profile simply click on setting icon next to sitatalk logo as given in below picture.
Then complete profile and fill all fields
We recommend that you fill your real information as you will be then able to receive payments
After creating profile(Above 50% Completed) then open www.unaico.com and signin with same user name and password you used to signin in sitetalk
After you sign in there you will then get a link that you will use to invite others to sing up under you and when more and more people signup under you you will earn money.Also when people you bring will bring more people which means your chain will be growing and growing.
Your link will be www.sitetalk.com/?sponsor=your user name
You can check who has signup under you by following these steps
Log in to unaico.com
Click Genealogy and then ""Your Network Tree" you will then see people will be on your left and right.
You can also make your left and right balanced by moving people from left to right or right to left depends upon which side is less.
We are here always to help you earn money. So for any queries or help be free to mail us at career.pk2010@gmail.com